Sunday, May 23, 2010

Interview - Yuima Nakazato

Yuima Nakazato.
For those of you that aren't familiar of his work, he is known for his ....outland-ish taste.
I caught up with him recently and...

Xtina : Alright sweetheart are you ready? 
What made you interested to follow through with the fashion world?
Yuima: I was expressing myself by fashion what I wearing since when I was in my childhood.
I think it was influence of the street fashion movement in Tokyo when I was a high school student.
So, it was not influence from the designers, it was from the street. 

Xtina : You're making me want to take a trip to Japan mister! So what exactly inspired your new collection? I had seen your work for FALL/WINTER 2010...and The big hair, the distorted wings, etc...This is beautiful, but I wonder what the f*** was going on in his head! Its genius! So do guide me to your vision.
Yuima : I imagine that imaginary human, is an animal, human, man and women, machine, these elements are together in one body. It is a superior human. Image of cold & fire. 
Xtina : Wow! That's very intriguing. It now makes sense why you tend to collaborate with strong and confident women in the entertainment industry.What must it have been like to know that you had designed for the Black Eyed Peas (Fergie), Lady Gaga, etc.
Yuima : For the costume design, It was great experience for me. Its great process to create costume for just especially one person.
Xtina :Oh I'm sure. When I had seen your work on the catwalk, I saw other dimensions. Can you explain that? It was very innovative I must say...
Yuima : I have got inspiration from the Leonard Da Vinci's imagination. His starting points are that his imagination went further than our imagination... So I went to the past world, and try to see future...

Xtina : I love that line. Went to the past to see the future. Beautiful. When you work, do you like to surrounded by people, or do you like to work in solitude? (We all know how some people can be you know!)
Yuima : When I started thinking, I need to be solitude. But other work, together with people is more fun!

Xtina : I'm the same way. What is your goal for the future? Where do you want this fashion statement to take you?
Yuima : At this point, my imagination is able to realize only 20%...I wish one day would be possible to realize what I imagine... I need more experience and learn many things...

Xtina : Oh, how you and I are not so different after all! You are very philosophical. You enjoy working with very abstract shapes. Do you think that the geometric shapes can be worn on a daily basis, or are they just a fashion statement really? 
Yuima : In my concept, I believe that geometric and the organic form should be become together... So I always search the form that be living both together... 

And that was the end of that round...
I must say he was the biggest sweetheart though. Very modest.
The fashion world cannot wait to see more of you. That's an understatement. Love ya, babe!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Italo Calvino

Italo, I have been sewing my soul on your pockethole.
I have really been enjoying your presence lately.
Come by more often, please. The classroom is soon to be your second home.

I must say our teacher has taste. A specific taste bud.
The tongue is sweet. Top dollar elegance.
I can appreciate a righteous tongue.

Italo even had films done by him. You know you have to be fabulous to gain such a status.
He also won a Nobel Prize for Literature. I salute you.
 One of his best works : ''If on a winter's night a traveler'' (wrote in 1979).....
The content is playful and intriguing. It is what some would call ''confusing'', but I enjoy a few question marks popping up here and there. Makes me think.
Thank you for such bliss, Calvino. A lot of imagery seeps through your work, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Set me free because I'm not running.