Sunday, March 9, 2014

My Perception of Halloween

Every day of the year is a lie. 
I said it.

Except....for one day. October 31st. More commonly known as Halloween, boys and hurls. 

It is only on the event of Halloween when everyone reveals their truth. Their true mask shines.  Every other day is just every other day, a lie upon another lie. One could argue that on Halloween you mask yourself. But I on the other hand, am suggesting that you are actually unveiling yourself on Halloween.
People dress how they want or feel more honestly that day. I always wondered why it was accepted to dress like a Las Vegas prostitute more openly on Halloween than any other day. I wish everyday was Halloween. It's great. People are far more accepting of unusual fashion choices. Having to stock up for a year's supply of fake blood is another hell in itself. Its the one day where people are given enitire freedom to be whomever they want to be and gifted for it. Halloween's ideologies is exactly what we all hope for in a society.

Plus, is it wrong that I want to see most of the world for what it really is?
Walking zombies and bandaged goods?