Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Lie of Love

Tonight's insomniac inspiration stems from the very subject I loathe and secondarily mention. Love.

It has come to my attention that this concept that is ''love'', has turned into something not as glorifying in 2011.
Our eyes. 
Our eyes no longer see.
Your soul mate could be standing right in front of you and you wouldn't even know it.

This is because there are two parts to you. 
1) Your true self.
2) Your celebrity self. 

Your celebrity self is the one that is obsessed with ego. The one that's talking about the thick brown hair, those bedroom eyes, etc. 
But these pairings never work. 
And when they fail, we wonder why?
 Why with our broken hearts and our bruised egos....
Dont get me wrong, I'm not saying physical attraction isn't important.
What I'm trying to emphasize is do not confuse the attraction to the physical with the yearning of the soul. Given its chance, the true self (the higher self) will always break through to find its soul partner. 
And trust me darlings, it can come from the person you least expect. So don't close out, or else you'll never know what you missed.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Confidence vs. Cockiness

There are two ways to look at this ''better than everyone else'' concept.
1) You are ego-maniac that thirsts for recognition. 
2) You are a manic that thirsts for recognition because you know you have what it takes. 

This statement was never meant to be stated in a snotty way. 
Note that it was and is societal therapy on how we always have to be insecure. 
This therefore causes the world to have an equilibrium. 
A balance of the weak and the strong. 
This helps those in power sit at ease, while the rest struggle endlessly trying to make way. 

If everyone was bold enough to take a stand at their life, the world would be chaotic. 
But maybe that's what it needs....
Next time you try to reinstate your passions and boldly sway the night away with your charm, don't let the world call you cocky (especially if you have a vagina). Those that do ARE the timid. 
Let's be honest, Mick Jagger never went into the business thinking he was mediocre. He had the biggest dream and greatest confidence in himself that he could take himself there. Years later he did.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The depth of Humanity

I don't have much close friends.
In fact, I don't have any at all.
The closest thing I've had to a best friend so to speak was a tape recorder in the 4th grade, when I thought I was Barbara Walters.

I have what are called ''acquaintances''.
They are fun while they last.

Most people find it appalling that I don't have what most people consider to be a close relationship with someone. I find my instinctual nature. I'd take loneliness over dependence any day. Believe me, it's not that I push/pushed people away. I've just never had time to develop moist relationships with people because I moved every 1.5 years. In knowing this, I never really took the time to generate a strong relationship because I know the splits would be harsh to the youthful and timid heart.

It was only until later on that I began to realize, that most of the people I admired and adore were probably some of the most loneliest of the bunch. But these are the geniuses. They are the ones that know to reject negativity. To reject any biased opinion and in doing so, they can form their own viewpoints on life, art and politics.
They were the social rebels. They understood that to see change you have to become it. You had to push yourself from the average mentality, to shake its gravity.
This was everything to me. This I knew and know I have in me.
So sorry. Sorry if I'm distant, world. It's not you. It never was.

your considerate clitionary.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Men and Fashion

Lately, I really have not been enjoying the lack of fashion sense in men now a days. But it isn't their fault.
They were never taught to be adventurous and expressive with their fashion, but more with their biceps.
In fact, their fashion is so predictable that business and retailing for men must be such a breeze.

Society has given men boundaries. 
Fashion is one of them. It is such a no go zone for men to viciously face. 
Men, just know....
that you do not have to be gay to be astounding. You just have to be strong enough to be the voice of the unheard. It is your lack of care, that makes the industry continue not to do anything about this. I can only fight with you for so long.

So many men have been visually captivating in their day : Elvis, D. Bowie, M. Jackson, Flava Flav, G. Lee, and Prince to name a few.
This could be you, if only you choose to.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Circle

The circle is almost everything to us. It is the most simplistic and undeniably layered image.
Without the the circle we wouldn't get anywhere.
We would travel nowhere.
We wouldn't see anything.
We would be nothing.
In fact, we wouldn't have even been conceived without the circle.

Soccer balls.
Sperm cells.

From a single organism came the world.