Friday, July 8, 2011

Confidence vs. Cockiness

There are two ways to look at this ''better than everyone else'' concept.
1) You are ego-maniac that thirsts for recognition. 
2) You are a manic that thirsts for recognition because you know you have what it takes. 

This statement was never meant to be stated in a snotty way. 
Note that it was and is societal therapy on how we always have to be insecure. 
This therefore causes the world to have an equilibrium. 
A balance of the weak and the strong. 
This helps those in power sit at ease, while the rest struggle endlessly trying to make way. 

If everyone was bold enough to take a stand at their life, the world would be chaotic. 
But maybe that's what it needs....
Next time you try to reinstate your passions and boldly sway the night away with your charm, don't let the world call you cocky (especially if you have a vagina). Those that do ARE the timid. 
Let's be honest, Mick Jagger never went into the business thinking he was mediocre. He had the biggest dream and greatest confidence in himself that he could take himself there. Years later he did.

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