Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Interview - Kermit Tesoro

My dear friend Kermit Tesoro is no one knew to the scene of fashion.
He embraces it with full force.
We talked over biscuits....

Xtina - I must say I love this picture. It gives me a really McQueen/Damien Hirst feel to it.What inspired those heels?

Kermit - Thank you! Basically the heels are just representation of my mild iconoclasm on women’s heels. Skulls may very interpretations. All I know is that skull is measured as the seat of intelligence.

Xtina - You give very dark undertones within your work. How do you describe your taste in terms of your own fashion?

Kermit - When I design, I usually submit my consciousness in to a blank pit hole. I just don’t want my works to be too imposed. Maybe that pit hole has dark tendencies. 

Xtina - Who would you love to work with? Who is your muse?

Kermit - I’d like to work with anyone who shares the same vision and my muse hasn’t discovered me yet…

Xtina - What makes you so attracted to this sort of ''avant-garde, playful rollercoaster'' shape to fashion? I certainly don't blame you, once you are in there is no turning back. Life becomes boring.

Kermit - Avant-garde in fashion is becoming more pronounced and I’m very fascinated with ideas that extend beyond other art disciplines. I agree, it’s like a movement of fashion and art eugenics. And I am just part of the insurgency that promotes and practices the idea. 

Xtina - What do you want seen in your work? What don't you want seen in your work?

Kermit - What Ive seen and what I see in my work keeps me working with the next experiment. And what I don’t want to witness in my works is regression.
Xtina - I want to see you shaking Gareth Pugh's hand. Can you make this possible? HA!

Kermit - I hope so! 

Xtina - What can we expect in the future from you? Where do you see yourself in say....5 years.

Kermit - Maybe I’m answering another different set of questions from your interview.

Good answer, Kermit.Good answer....

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Fight (The Screenplay)

I have been living through this metaphor lately.

This is the picture : 

There are two kinds of blood cells in our body. Red blood cells and white blood cells.
They of course, pertain to different purposes within the system.
Unfortunately enough they coincide and ultimately work together as a team.

Naturally there are less white cells than red ones. The red ones like to overpower and take charge of the white ones. Little do they know that the white ones have a heavy weight they must carry over their shoulders.
They aren't often used because they don't seem to be of use to individuals. They do not realize that without them they cannot heal.  They cannot feel.

The white cells are white for a reason. They are pure, and their intent are good. They are filled with innocence that bore the red cells. You see...the red cells are hot-headed. Red = their outrage against life (even though their organic nature is to live). They are impulsive, rebellious creatures with a nature that feeds off of power and misplaced energy. The white cells share energy from others. They are very efficient in that manner. Red blood cells are in a constant state of fury, they are always left empty even though they have it all. Red blood cells are everywhere there is no denying that. Red cells are white's truest weakness. White cells try to part ways in a very quite manner even though the red wants to make it two way street. White and red do not mix. 

As much as Body needs white cells, they only come out and play for a few moments. Only when Body asks for it to. But the red...oh the red is always there. Body always needs red. Body begs it not to change or leave. But white is dying inside...dying to tell Body how arrogant red cells are. Me and you both know that Body enjoys the white and red battlefield. In fact, thrives off it. This is a form of entertainment to all organs of Body.

I am a white cell living in a red celled society. What do I do?

Bringing Back Fashion

I want to bring the element of edge back into society. Real edge.
Not the edge that many of you perceive to be ''a pair of shoulder pads''. Though that was cutting edge two years ago, now it's like a good worn out sweater. Hand it up in your closet baby.
It's time for something new, something that involves a frightening smile.
Fear and pleasure is the best recipe for disaster and so it hit me.
1) Brass Knuckles
In any form.
Edge in its best form. Violence should be fashionable too.
I have been on a brass knuckles crave for a long time now.

2) The next festivity not many know of (which is why I absolutely LOVE it). My main desire. Heelbags. Heelbags are a rarity but when the right one is found it is bliss. The higher the better.

They are transettic is kills.