Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Interview - Kermit Tesoro

My dear friend Kermit Tesoro is no one knew to the scene of fashion.
He embraces it with full force.
We talked over biscuits....

Xtina - I must say I love this picture. It gives me a really McQueen/Damien Hirst feel to it.What inspired those heels?

Kermit - Thank you! Basically the heels are just representation of my mild iconoclasm on women’s heels. Skulls may very interpretations. All I know is that skull is measured as the seat of intelligence.

Xtina - You give very dark undertones within your work. How do you describe your taste in terms of your own fashion?

Kermit - When I design, I usually submit my consciousness in to a blank pit hole. I just don’t want my works to be too imposed. Maybe that pit hole has dark tendencies. 

Xtina - Who would you love to work with? Who is your muse?

Kermit - I’d like to work with anyone who shares the same vision and my muse hasn’t discovered me yet…

Xtina - What makes you so attracted to this sort of ''avant-garde, playful rollercoaster'' shape to fashion? I certainly don't blame you, once you are in there is no turning back. Life becomes boring.

Kermit - Avant-garde in fashion is becoming more pronounced and I’m very fascinated with ideas that extend beyond other art disciplines. I agree, it’s like a movement of fashion and art eugenics. And I am just part of the insurgency that promotes and practices the idea. 

Xtina - What do you want seen in your work? What don't you want seen in your work?

Kermit - What Ive seen and what I see in my work keeps me working with the next experiment. And what I don’t want to witness in my works is regression.
Xtina - I want to see you shaking Gareth Pugh's hand. Can you make this possible? HA!

Kermit - I hope so! 

Xtina - What can we expect in the future from you? Where do you see yourself in say....5 years.

Kermit - Maybe I’m answering another different set of questions from your interview.

Good answer, Kermit.Good answer....

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